

  • 最大頻率輸出5MHz/10MHz/20MHz
  • 3.5英寸彩色 LCD顯示
  • 採用先進DDS技術
  • 採樣率100Msa/s,垂直解析度8位,波形記憶長度1Kpts
  • 具有任意波功能,可設置8組用戶自定義波型
  • 可輸出32種內建波形和8組用戶自定義波形
  • 40組面板設定存儲及呼叫
  • 最小輸出1mV (50Ω) 穩定波形
  • FM, FSK,ASK,PSK多種調製功能
  • 頻率掃描、觸發、TTL輸出
  • 多重保護功能:過電壓、過電流、短路保護、反灌電壓保護功能
  • 標配:RS-232介面
MODE TFG-3605E TFG-3610E TFG-3620E
Frequency range 1uHz~5MHz 1uHz ~10MHz 1uHz ~20MHz
Waveform (Output A)
Types 32 built-in waveforms, including Sine, Square, Triangle,Ramp,Pulse,etc. And 8 user- defined arbitrary waveforms
Length  1024 points
Vertical resolution  8 bits
Sampling rate 100MSa/s
Harmonic distortion  ≥40dBc(<1MHz); ≥35dBc (1~20MHz)
Total distortion  ≤1% (20Hz~200kHz)
Rise/fall time of square  ≤35ns, Overshoot: ≤10%
Duty cycle of square  1%~99%
Frequency (CHA)
Range Sine 1uHz~5MHz 1uHz~10MHz 1uHz~20MHz
Squre 1uHz~5MHz
Other 1uHz~1MHz
Resolution 1uHz
Accuracy  ± (50ppm + 40mHz)
Amplitude (Output A)
Range 2mVpp~20Vpp, 1uHz~10MHz (high impedance) 2mVpp~15Vpp, 10MHz~15MHz (high impedance) 2mVpp~8Vpp, 15MHz~20MHz (high impedance)
Resolution 20mVpp (amplitude>2Vpp), 2mVpp (amplitude<2Vpp)
Accuracy ± (1% +2 mVrms) (high impedance, RMS, frequency 1kHz)
Stability ±0.5% / 3 hours
Flatness ±5% (frequency±10% (frequency> 10MHz)
Output impedance 50Ω
DC Offset (CHA)
Range ±10V (high impedance, attenuation 0 dB)
Resolution 20mVdc
Accuracy ±(1% + 20mVdc)
Sweep (CHA)
 Parameter Frequency,Amplitude
Range Free to set starting point and end point
Time 100ms~900s
Direction Up,Down,Up-Down
Mode Linear, Logarithmic
Control Auto sweep or manual sweep
Frequency Modulation (FM) (CHA)
Carrier signal CHA Signal
Modulating signal CHB or external signal
FM deviation 0%~20%
Carrier signal CHA Signal
Trigger signal TTL_A Signal
Burst counts 1~65000 cycles
Trigger mode Interna TTLl, External, Signle
Shift keying(CHA)
FSK Free to set the hop frequency and carrier frequency
ASK Free to set the hop amplitude and thecarrier amplitude
PSK Hop phase: 0~360°, resolution: 1°
Alternative rate 10ms~60s
Type 32 built-in waveforms, including Sine, Square, Triangle,Ramp,Pulse,etc. And 8 user- defined arbitrary waveforms
Length 1024 points
Vertical resolution 8 bits
Sampling rate 12.5Msa/s
Duty cycle of square 1%~99%
Frequency(CHB) 40mHz~1MHz; Other waveforms: 10mHz~100kHz
Range Sine:1uHz~1MHz;Other:1uHz~100KHz
Resolution 1uHz
Accuracy ± 1x10 -5
Range 50mVpp~20Vpp (high impedance)
Resolution 20mVpp
Output impedance 50Ω
Burst(CHB) 1~65000 cycles
Carrier signal CHB Single
Trigger signal TTL_B Signal
Burst counts 1~65000 cycles
Tigger mode Interna TTLl, External, Signle
TTL output
Waveform Square wave, rise/fall time ≤20ns
Frequency 10mHz~1MHz
Amplitude TTL , CMOS compatible, low<0.3V,high>4V
Remote counter RS-232 interface
Operation characteristics Key operation for all funcations,Menu display,Rotary dial adjustment
Display TFT LCD
Language English,Chinese(simplified),Chinese(traditional)
Power consumption AC110V/220V±10% selectable,50/60Hz,Max.45VA
Environmental: Temperature 0~40℃,<80%RH
Standard accessories Power cord×1,Operation manual×1,Software CD×1,RS-232 cable×1, BNC-BNC cable×1,Test lead×1
Dimension 385×260×110mm
Weight 3.5Kg
Test lead TL-101
Test lead TL-101
Test lead TL-102
Test lead TL-102
RS232 Cable (Optional)
RS232 Cable (Optional)
PC Software CD
PC Software CD
User manual
User manual
Power cord
Power cord


TFG-3600E系列函數/任意波形產生器採用直接數位合成技術(DDS),具有快速完成測量工作所需的高性能指標和眾多的功能特性。其簡單而功能明晰的前面板設計和中/英文液晶顯示介面能使您更便於操作和觀察,可擴展的選件功能,可使您獲得增強的系統 ...

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